The Story…

The journey to Soma began in SE4 in the late 90’s when I first arrived in the UK to study Contemporary Dance at the prestigious Laban Centre (now Trinity Laban). The plan (as my parents still remind me of!) was for me to stay for a year but I have now been here for over two decades. Soon after my first stint in Brockley, I moved to Honor Oak Park where I have remained. In fact, 23 years have flown by and I have lived in the same house for the majority of that time. It turns out that SE23 was meant to be my home and I wouldn’t stray far. 

During that time, I performed professionally as a dancer for many years, as well as taught Contemporary Dance Technique to aspiring professional dance students in several renowned institutions. At the same time, I completed my postgraduate degree and began to work in the more academic side of the Performing Arts. Sometime in my 20’s I stumbled upon yoga which I liked but couldn’t quite grasp or consistently practice. 4 dogs and more cats than I’d like to admit, later I crossed paths with yoga again and this time it clicked. I met a wonderful teacher who has sadly since returned to Canada, and who, without realising it, completely changed my understanding of and my connection to yoga. Through it, I felt found, connected and grounded. Yoga became my safe and healing place. A few years later, about 10 years ago, I completed my yoga teacher training. And the journey to Soma, albeit unknowingly, began to take shape.  

Almost 6 years ago I had my first child and that gigantic, life changing and affirming event, further connected me to SE23 and to my home. Before becoming a parent myself, I remember seeing the sea of parents and children descend upon the local streets at school drop off time and not at all quite understanding the significance of that daily walk. Now I walk it too. The birth of my second child in early 2023 further rooted me to my home and my community. Coincidentally, a mere few weeks after her birth, the space which is now Soma became available. And it felt like the pieces of the puzzle which had been slowly created had at last come together. Family, SE23, home, community, yoga, dance. Soma Space was born. An amazing group of collaborators (some new, some who I have known for almost as long as I have been in the UK) all of whom are creative, committed, inspired and inspiring in their own very personal and very special way have joined me in bringing to life this dream of a lifetime. We all hope it becomes part of your own version of home, community and family too. We cannot wait to meet you. 

Much love,

Jo (Founder/Director)

“ And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music” Nietzsche